• Organic turmeric black pepper powder-curcuma longa

Organic turmeric black pepper powder-curcuma longa


About : 

We all know that Turmeric is also popular by the golden spice name tag. It is a tall plant found grown mainly in Asia and Central America. It is yellow and so is added as a food coloring. It is beneficial for health, and in fact, it has also made its significant position in the medical field and science.   It has been a part of traditional Indian medicine for years and is used as a cure for wounds and in improvising in health conditions. 

Also, it has been found that both Turmeric and black pepper powder together are very beneficial in enhancing health. Even though most people think that the only thing black pepper can be used as-is for seasoning. But no, there's more to it, and black pepper is significantly helpful for health benefits. It's not just Turmeric and black pepper helping individually but also when these are used together. Both are composed of all the active ingredients acting as cures to many things, which are anti-inflammatory, complete with the qualities to fight various diseases. 

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Description :

Curcumin is found in Turmeric. It is a key compound, an active ingredient known as curcuminoids. Curcumin are polyphenols, and therefore they beneficially have anti-fungal properties; being a potent antioxidant, it is also anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. 
Although, Curcumin got a minus point too, and that is that it cannot be absorbed entirely well in the body. 

Piperine is the bioactive compound in Black Pepper, just like capsaicin (found in Cayenne pepper and chili powder), an alkaloid. Piperine is vital as it helps in giving relief to people having to face peak situations like the excessive feeling of nausea, bad headache, and even poor digestive system. Like curcuminoids in Turmeric, even piperine in black pepper has anti-inflammatory properties. The most important thing about piperine is that it helps the body by boosting it to absorb Curcumin. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can the combined form or powder of Turmeric and black pepper be of any help? 

Both the components in themselves have good effects to be praised already. When they are combined, they become a potent, strong duo, and because of having anti-inflammatory properties, they give relief to discomfort and pain of the body. 

2. Why the turmeric and black pepper powder is so important?

Turmeric and black pepper powder is so important as it is found helpful in treating problems like - 

  • in decreasing tumor chances. 
  • In the prevention of cancer. 
  • As aids in digestion. 
  • Relief from temporary discomfort. 
  • Having anti-arthritic properties. 
  • Chemical Makers
  • Regular quality controls
  • Guarantee 100 % pure , without adultration
  • Organic Quality Available

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