Bhoomi amla pawder-phyllanthus niruri
Perfect formulation for your health
Herbanic India's BHOOMI AMLA POWDER is termed as the "Gale of wind" is the key ingredient of a variety of ayurvedic formulations. It helps to boost immunity and offer valuable therapeutic properties. The leaves, roots and plant parts are used to attain the medical outcomes. It also offers hepatoprotective, antioxidative properties and antiviral benefits. It also helps to enhance liver wellness and promote kidney and liver health.
It enriches skin texture and uplifts all-round health. The product is also a significant herb as per Ayurveda for managing liver problems and health issues. It is a tropical plant that grows extensively in the coastal areas of India, China and islands of North and Central America. It has pale green flowers and buds that appear like capsules.
The same is used to prepare medicinal tonics, pastes, powder, etc.
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Description of the benefits of the Herbanic India's BHOOMI AMLA POWDER
- Herbanic India's Bhoomi Amla Powder is useful for a variety of purposes. As per Ayurveda, it relieves sore throat, cough and breathing difficulties.
- It improves muscle strength (Balya), increases stomach fire (Deepana), digestive health (Pachana), etc.
- It also stimulates appetite and prevents nausea and vomiting.
- It is also an ideal remedy for wounds and burns.
- The product is anti-toxic and useful to treat diarrhoea.
- It is also useful to treat Kustha or skin disorders.
- It also has numerous phytochemicals that are plant based compounds used to enhance the medicinal properties
- The product is also -
- Anti-inflammatory
- Hepatoprotective
- Antibacterial
- Analgesic
- Antioxidative
- Astringent
- Anti-ulcer
- Expectorant
- Hypolipidemic
- Diuretic
- Diaphoretic
- It is also used to treat liver problems, handle kidney problems, cough, cold and gastrointestinal issues.
- It is also effective for wounds and burns
How is Herbanic India's BHOOMI AMLA POWDER useful for human use?
Ayurveda terms the product to be a potent formula for enhancing liver functions and repairs. It is important to repair wounded hepatic cells in the liver and tissue.
The prized ayurvedic herb is important to treat cirrhosis, damage to the liver tissue, gallstones, bile issues. It even slows down the progression of liver cancer especially due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
What are the key benefits of using BHOOMI AMLA POWDER?
Ayurveda terms the product to have potent anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and anti-asthamatic properties since it helps to reduce a host of respiratory troubles. It has been used for treatment of sore throat, cough, flu, etc. It also loosens the rheum particles from the nasal and chest cavity.
It also eases breathing, helps the body to get rid of mucus, and heals symptoms of bronchitis and asthmatic conditions.
Bhumi amla is also an excellent diuretic that helps to flush out surplus salts, acids, toxins, etc. from the body. It also prevents kidney stones and aids in achieving electrolyte balance. It also aids in the treatment of urinary issues like incontinence, pain or burning sensation during urination, chronic kidney problems.
- Chemical Makers
- Regular quality controls
- Guarantee 100 % pure , without adultration
- Organic Quality Available